Tutorial: Simantics Platform User Interface
This tutorial introduces the user to the user interface of the Simantics platform. The tutorial explains the user interface concepts and shows how to get the most out of the user interface functionality.
Simantics User Interface Components
Simantics Workbench is built on Ecplise platform and thus uses heavily the resources and conventions of Eclipse. In this tutorial, the fundamental features of Simantics platform are introduced and the user is assumed, to some extend, to be familiar with the Eclipse environment. An excellent getting started material for Eclipse Workbench can be found from the Eclipse.org site:
In the Figure 1 is shown the Simantics platform user interface as it is when the platform is just started - this is the default Simantics perspective. On the left side of the user interface is the browser area for project browsing and later also for the model browsing (when editing a project models). In addition, in the browser area are shown other browsing tools, such as ...
On the right side of the user interface is the working area. In here are all the editors opened, such as ...
In the bottom and on the left is the property view. This is where the model component properties are set. See tutorials for different modelling perspectives.
In the bottom and on the right is the info area. In there are opened e.g. issue and console views.
Simantics Perspectives and Views
Text ...
Browser Area
Text ...
Editor Area
Text ...
Property View
Text ...
Info Area
Text ...
Keyboard Shortcuts
Text ...
Text ...